With the beginning of a New Year, I want to express my gratitude
for the year past. I had some drastic changes in my life.
I’m thankful for God’s provisions and His guidance.
I had thought many times that I would make a move to Michigan
and live in our daughters downstairs apartment, but had not
made a definite decision to do so..
However as my health was getting unsafe to live alone, I
prayed about it and came to the decision to do so.
I called my daughter and told her about my decision and
she said “I’ll come get you”.
Little did I know she would literally come ( with a trailer) and move me..
But that’s exactly what she did. She had just bought a small trailer.
I put my house up for sale and in two weeks time, it sold, sold my car and
had a humongous yard sale and sold most of big furniture and was on
our way to Michigan..
So now I’m living back in Dowagiac, Michigan and I love it.
My apartment has a large picture window facing the south with a beautiful
creek and pine trees to enjoy.
Have reunited with a few of old friends from when we lived here 15 years ago.
My daughter has a gift shoppe and I have all my dolls in there.
So I just had a new website made and am working on revising it.
you can reach me with this link, hopefully…LOL
Today, I’m “ dog-sitting” for their little “ jack Rusle , Daisy”
while they h ave gone on an antique hunt.
(my view from front window..)
this is Dowagiac Creek.
Well that’s it for today and will be back soon !!
Oh Maureen this is wonderful. I'm so happy for you that it all worked out so smoothly and now you're back with your family. How cool is that! I'm gonna check out your new store :0)
Hi, Mo ~ what a beautiful view out your window. I'm so happy for you that things are working out so well. Happy New Year!
Wow Maurine, that is awesome! How wonderful that everything just fell in to place for you! It's a good thing your house sold so quickly so you wouldn't have to worry about it while you are in Michigan. That's nice that you are so close to family and friends and my goodness, what a beautiful view you have!! So happy for you!
oh my goodness! look at that beautiful snow!glad to see you got the post thingy figured out, I knew you could do it! waitign on the next sewing war! LOL
Morning Maurine....I'm so glad to see you post!
Goodness lady the view from your home is to die for....how very lovely.
And to have your daughter own a shop...you are so blessed lady!!!!
Well I've never had trouble loading my pictures. I use Windows Live to make my blog posts...but the pictures just fall into place - wish I could help.
I'm off to visit it now.
Blessings dear lady!
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