Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I know it’s been a while but I’ve been a sickie !!

Had a bladder infection, took lots of “ horse pills”

then I had some kind of “bug” and boy did I feel awful,

but hey !! can’t keep a good crafter down for long.

So I’m up and at’em  again !!


I did something I’ve tried time and again and failed,


but I did a baby quilted table topper, yep I sho’ nuff did !


whatcha think… for my first one ????

Well, I won’t be makin’ this one again for a while.

Binding wasn’t a “  piece o’cake” let me tell ya’

if any of you quilters know a secret to “ bindings”

please let me in on it.


Then I finished up my sweet little bunny and here she is




                                             ain’t she a cutie !!


well that was my work for the past week or two !


Gonna go on a long road trip on Thursday

so I’ll be showin’ ya all the goodies we bring back/

Oh I just have to tell ya about our trip to Joann’s Sunday.

See I had this flyer with all the different sale days and

it said started on April first… so off we go with out longggggggggggggggg list

well we looked and gathered up a big counter full of fabrics and

she starts cutting and out of her mouth comes this…

these aren’t on sale till Thursday of next week…..


well we had our bias tape and three pieces she had already cut and …

we went to checkout with a nasty frown on our faces…


SOOOOOO   we are going down in Indiana for our road trip and

list of all the things we had put back at Benton Harbor Joanns’


so til after our road trip , I’ll say

bye till next time!!!!!!



Nanna said...

any excuse to go on a road trip, right? lol the bunny turned out fantastic! & you did a great job on the quilted toper too! I've almost got my sewing room figured out lol!

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Maurine...goodness you have had a good bout with that bladder infection - hope by now you are on the mend.
Gosh kiddo it has been ages since I've been here -
Can't wait to see what you got on your shopping trip.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found your blog today. Was looking at your table thing you quilted. Looks like you used store bought binding? I made a C'mas one like that last year and I had to make my own bias tape, turned out great. My suggestion to you would be to take that binding off and iron it in half like you would do for a quilt binding and see if that helps you. Will check back and see. Like your blog, so I'll read often. I'm new to quilting.......but I love the challenges it brings me.
Bev E. butterflyspirit68@yahoo.com