Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Boy, has it  been a while since my ole sewin’

machine has been hummin’ this much.

I started cuttin’ out quilt pieces


but left that behind to start on a Rooster Pillow and got partly finished


and got a new apron pattern..



well, they are all set aside… I’ll finish them yet,

you just wait and see,,, You know my motto:

Yep, if at first I don’t succeed….. start something else.. LOL


Well, I ain’t startin’ nuttin’ else…. no way, no how..

Gonna finish all these before startin’ anything else..

Seems like it’s gonna snow just any day now..

But you know what..I ain’t ready for that.


now, who else is disappointed in the  election returns?

'’nuff said !!


‘til next time,

Maurine ♥


My Colonial Home said...

Hey Lady
You work like I do!!! LOL
Oh my dear friend there is no smiling in my house this week either!

Tammy said...

Hello Maurine,
Im Tammy from the Olde Hollow Crow Blog. Thank You for stopping by my blog. I have not crafted in such a long time, but I leave my blog open hoping that Maybe I will get back into the crafting spirit. I added you to my must read list. Again thank you so much for stopping by. Prim Blessings to you. :)