Sunday, January 20, 2013

Elfina had a bad sew ing day… #2


well I guess you see we made a “ boo-boo”

So as I was saying,  she doesn’t like “ouchies”.


Now she has an “ owie” on her finger but she still has a smile on her face.


I don’t know if that will be the end of sewing lessons…. but time will tell.


As you can tell, I haven’t got the

hang of finishing this dang purse yet.

But you know my motto:



Just look what a beauty this is..

Oh yeah!! I made that all by myself !!


   You know my motto: If at first it don’t turn out to be what it started to be…..well, hey!!

Just put a cardboard bottom in it and put a pocket on it and call it a



Janette is movin’ right along.

She is now making little coin  purses.


well, Elfina says she’s fellin’ much better and soon as her finger gets well, she will be at sewing classes again… with her smile in place and just makin’ all kind of things..

So good night for now and happy thoughts for the morrow.

          til then,

         Maurine ♥


My Colonial Home said...

Hi Maurine
Your doll is adorable...I love her eyes!!!

You have been so busy lady - and what sweet coin purses!

So happy Jeanette is doing well


My Colonial Home said...

Oh my...I didn't see the bandaid on elfies
I'm working from my I- pad and the pictures are smaller.