Thursday, January 17, 2013



Have you heard that before?  from me?  well I still say it … often..  like today !!

ya know! I saw the cutest purse pattern and couldn’t live without it…so Maurine ordered it and said to herself…… self, you can make that,  I know you…. months later,

I drag it out of the UFO ( unfinished Objects ) stash  and rip it apart, cut new pieces, but first I have to tell you about my sleepless

night, where I took my pattern pages to bed with me and read and underlined and said to myself… I do believe I understand it NOW !!

well, that was in the night….

back to the story again…. after taking it apart and cutting new pieces, I start all over… hadn’t got to page two before it just didn’t FIT.  OK I ripped it up again.



            day 2

if at first you don’t succeed !!

well, dangit !! I won’’t give up !!

so back to the sewing machine, and laying out the pieces…. again !!

Oh, I think I got it… yep, I do think I got it !!

well, I get to the last piece and

oh, rats, rats, rats !!

It’s too small… point doesn’t fit.

now this shouldn’t be happening.. not to me…


now, doesn’t that look simple…

well , it will have to wait for another

day of struggling to  fit the pieces

all together..


  Here is Net’s latest project.

It’s made from just a piece of fabric, lined and then put  into the metal frame… so cute !!


She also made this oven mitt

from quilted fabric.. Even put a cuff on it…

well, enough for tonight

but we’ll chat more tomorrow..

til  then

Maurine ♥


Nanna said...

you can do it! I've been making aprons, fianlly getting around to my polka dotted aprons all for me me me lol! I've been in & out of the sewing room all day more out than in ,we need a good sewing war to get us going lol!


María Ángeles said...

Me gusta mucho tu blog , lo que haces, he puesto tu enlace en uno de los mios.
Un saludo

María Ángeles said...

I really like your blog, what you do, I've put your link in one of mine.

Maurine Huffines said...

Thank you Maria:
Glad you like my blog and that you have added my link..
At first I didn't understand since I dont speak spanish.. LOL
But thanks for translating for me.
Blessing to you,